How to Keep Your Car Battery from Dying in Cold Weather

Follow these tips to ensure your battery remains in tip-top shape throughout the winter season!
The harsh winter weather severely affects your car battery’s performance! When the temperature drops below 32 degrees, you can expect to lose an astounding 35% of its power. It becomes even worse when it goes as low as 0°F – in this case, your vehicle could be deprived of up to 60% of its energy. Taking care and proper maintenance for your car during this season is essential if you don’t want any unwanted surprises like a dead battery on those cold wintry days!
In this day and age, car batteries are expected to work overtime. They not only have the responsibility of starting your vehicle but powering all its electronics too; as a result, battery life is much shorter than before – with an average of about one or two years! However, there’s no need for worry since numerous auto shops now offer battery testing services where you can check up on your power source’s condition from time-to-time. That way when winter comes around again – and it’ll be here sooner than we know – you won’t find yourself stranded due to a dead battery. In the following article below, I’ve included some tips that will help keep your engine running longer during those cold months ahead!
Maximize your Car Battery Capacity this Winter with these Simple Tips!
- To ensure your vehicle is always ready to roll, it’s essential that you power down correctly. During the winter months when darkness and precipitation become frequent, we often rush indoors and forget about leaving the headlights or interior lights on. It’s important to double-check these elements as well as any items plugged into cigarette sockets which could be consuming energy. If not properly powered off, you’ll find yourself with a dead battery next time!
- Carefully Inspect Your Battery Cables – Checking your connections and cables is essential to keep the battery charged. If any of these are loose, worn down, cracked or corroded in any way then you should take them for repair immediately. Don’t neglect this step as it may significantly affect how well the battery works. A reliable service center can help ensure all your devices are running optimally!
- Whenever Possible, Utilize Enclosed Parking Areas – If you’re fortunate enough to have a garage available, make the most of it! Cool temperatures and snow are not beneficial for any battery or engine. When wintertime arrives with its cold weather, take advantage of undercover parking if it is accessible to you.
- If you’re out camping or utilizing your car battery to power devices, don’t let it run the battery down too far. Batteries are meant to last longer than a single use; they shouldn’t be allowed to reach complete depletion. If possible, start up your vehicle every so often in order keep the charge at an acceptable level.
Roadside Assistance in El Paso, Texas
Voila! All the information you need for your battery to run at its peak performance. In this day and age, where cars are equipped with a myriad of technological gadgets, we must pay close attention to our car batteries – particularly in cold weather conditions. If you want it running optimally during winter months, be sure to take great care of it! We have awesome towing services in the El Paso area, so please don’t hesitate to call us for towing services!